
        Yangzhou Shitong Detection Equipment Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company that integrates software technology development, production, and sales. The product is widely used in underground metal pipeline positioning instruments for urban water supply and oil and gas, underground communication, power, cable fault positioning instruments, and underground pipeline leakage positioning instruments. It also undertakes underground pipeline network surveying and leakage detection engineering. Our company has a scientific research team with over 20 years of experience in water leakage detection. By leveraging the advantages of sensor research and information processing technology, combined with years of pipeline detection experience and comprehensive customer suggestions and needs, we have devel...
Provide maintenance services
Remote guided operation and use
Guaranteed five-year warranty
High precision/sensitivity
contact information
Company Name: Yangzhou Shitong Detection Equipment Co., Ltd
Address: No. 218 Nanyuan Road, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China Zip code:225200
Tel:0514-86830080   Fax:0514-86830086
Opening Bank: ICBC Jiangdu Longchuan Branch
Website organizer: Yangzhou Shitong Detection Equipment Co., Ltd

